Wednesday, May 21, 2008

About Time for Another Update!

Hey! It has been a while since my last update on this blog, and I'm going to try to keep my posts more frequent. Bowie's entered in two upcoming shows, and I'm wicked excited! We've been attending conformation class, but as a young dog, Bowie has an attention span of a gnat and his eyes start glazing over after half an hour of class. Its hard to stand there for an hour! We also began an intro to agility class. Fearless and goofy, he seems to be taking well to it and he's starting to understand the "rules" of the game. Hopefully, the future classes will go well! The two shows have a small entry of 3-4 class dogs, one class bitch and no specials. Perfect for a first show!

Now to buy a suit.... hmm...

Serious dog is serious!

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