Saturday, June 21, 2008

We're Pointed!

It's official, Bowie is on his way to his championship! We went Winners Dog at Topsfield (Nothshore/Middlesex Country Club) and we went BOB today! Bowie was the only male entered, so I'm glad we got the carry-over points from the bitches. If only one more was there, we would have had a major! Everyone at Maine was really nice and supportive, I met a lot of really nice people! Including Karen, who was stewarding our ring- It was very nice to meet you! The show site for the Penobscot KC was nice and small, but our ring, I thought, was a bit *too* tiny... especially for all those Golden Retrievers! But Bowie was great he spent the day sleeping on the bleachers.

Upcoming show counts:
Hockamock Kennel Club, Inc., Friday: 2-2(1-1)0
Hockamock Kennel Club, Inc., Saturday: 3-3(1-1)0
Wampanoag Kennel Club Inc., Sunday: 3-4(1-1)0
Wampanoag Kennel Club, Monday: 2-2(0-1)0
Naugatuck Valley Kennel Club, Inc., Thursday: 3-4(1-1)0
Farmington Valley Kennel Club, Inc., Saturday: 7-3(2-1)0
Holyoke Kennel Club, Sunday: 10-5(1-1)0 (Major!!!)

1 comment:

blogdog said...

Congratulations on the big win at Topsfield! You guys did really well at Penobscot, and you're a good team. Hope to see you in the ring again this summer!